we will do it together

Brain Injuries


Brain Injury Attorneys in Chico, California

Brain Injuries and Compensation

Did you know that you can suffer brain damage in a car accident even if you never actually hit your head on anything? It’s true. In fact, the sudden deceleration that occurs in many motor vehicle accidents often causes this type of brain injury.

Did you also know that you can have a brain injury and not know it, or that it can take weeks or even months for the people closest to you to notice something’s wrong?

The important fact to take away here is that it is unwise to settle an injury claim too quickly.

At the Rooney Law Firm, we help people in Chico and throughout California to recover monetary compensation for traumatic brain injuries. Dial (800) TKO-4LAW or contact us online to schedule a free consultation today.

These numbers tell some of our story. We tell yours.

  • Each of our lawyers passed California’s rigorous bar exam on their first attempt.
  • We have a 95 percent success rate in contested civil trials.
  • We can often help injured clients get medical care with zero out-of-pocket expense.

How We Can Help

Although most personal injury claims are resolved by settlement, it can take months and sometimes years to reach a mutually acceptable result. This is especially true with brain injuries because of the complex medical issues involved and the difficulty in accurately assessing damages.

While we have the experience and resources needed to overcome those issues, we also understand the importance of combining quality legal care with responsive client service.

Simply put, we make sure that you have the information and answers you need when you need them. From your free initial consultation forward, in fact, you will find that we will remain in close contact with you and respond quickly when you contact us.

Getting the Right Legal Team Starts With Choosing the Right Attorney

Chico Phone: (530) LAW-HELP (530-345-5678)
California Toll Free: (800) TKO-4LAW (800-856-4529)

Available for office appointments at: Redding, CA and Nevada City, CA

We offer free consultations and work on a contingent fee basis. This means that if you choose our firm to represent you, you will not be asked to pay any legal fees unless we obtain a verdict or settlement on your behalf.

For a free consultation, call us at either of the two numbers listed above or complete the brief e-mail form provided on the Contact page of this Web site.

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. this is a basic principle in every case and cause for success. contact us today for a free consultation. 

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