we will do it together

Car Accidents Involving Joggers and Pedestrians


Chico Pedestrian Accident Attorney

When a motor vehicle hits a walker, runner or child at play, the outcome is almost always devastating. Just as you or your loved one may have had no opportunity to avoid serious or catastrophic injury, you will be at a major disadvantage if you try to handle insurance negotiations on your own.

While insurers focus on minimizing settlements and protecting profits, attorneys at the Rooney Law Firm will focus on building the strongest possible case for you to recover all the financial compensation you deserve. We will apply decades of experience in high-value personal injury litigation as we investigate what happened and establish the total financial and personal costs of your accident.

Proven Representation for Victims of California Walking and Jogging Accidents

Fault for pedestrian and bicycle accidents is commonly disputed, with the driver claiming that a “dart-out” into traffic occurred or there were other reasons he or she was unable to see the victim and stop in time. Our proven, respected legal team will go the distance in evaluating:

  • Whether drunk driving, drugged driving, texting while driving or other serious negligence was a factor in your car-pedestrian crash
  • All sources of financial compensation available under your own insurance policies as well as the at-fault driver’s policies
  • Your total medical expenses, lost wages and other damages, which may include the need for extensive rehabilitation, adaptive equipment and even lifelong care if you are coping with a life-changing brain injury or spinal cord injury, for example

Getting the Right Results Starts With Choosing the Right Legal Team

Our lawyers cannot be intimidated by a hard-to-prove injury case or the opposition of powerful insurance companies — as our track record of 95 percent success in contested civil trials clearly shows. Our efforts on your behalf will leave nothing to chance, and we will offer compassion and honest guidance through every phase of your case. Your case will be reviewed by at least two attorneys, and we will call on all the investigative resources and experts we need.

For a free consultation and case evaluation, call us at (800) TKO-4-LAW now. You will take no financial risk when you do, because we charge no attorney fees in personal injury cases unless we pursue your claim and win a settlement or verdict that benefits you.

Getting the Right Legal Team Starts With Choosing the Right Attorney

Chico Phone: (530) LAW-HELP (530-345-5678)
California Toll Free: (800) TKO-4LAW (800-856-4529)

Available for office appointments at: Redding, CA and Nevada City, CA

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. this is a basic principle in every case and cause for success. contact us today for a free consultation. 

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