we will do it together

Distracted Driving Accidents


On September 21, 2010, the second annual government-sponsored national distracted driving summit was held in Washington, D.C. Participants in this summit learned about the pervasive problem of cell phone use by drivers who become distracted and sometimes get into accidents. The younger generation in particular is reliant upon cell phones for communication with everyone, all the time. Those who have recently obtained driver’s licenses are susceptible to hazards of distracted driving in connection with the use of cell phones for texting or conversing through use of a handheld device while operating a motor vehicle.

California prohibits texting and the use of handheld devices by all drivers. Drivers under the age of 18 and bus drivers are not allowed to use cell phones at all while driving.

Was the other driver in your car accident using a cell phone and/or texting while driving at the time of the crash that injured you? A thorough investigation, including a review of cell phone records, may demonstrate that driver distractions could have played a role in the accident. This piece of evidence may strengthen arguments by your Chico distracted driving accidents attorney that the other driver’s negligence was a cause — or the main cause — of your injuries and losses.

Our Approach and Resources Can Make a Difference

Our civil litigation attorneys advocate in defense of our clients’ interests with the same degree of zeal and vigor of a criminal defense team. There is a good reason for this: We are also criminal defense lawyers.

We are committed to working together to ensure that no key facts are overlooked as we seek fair compensation for our clients who have been injured when other drivers are suspected of distracted driving at the time of an accident. At least two of our attorneys (including at least one lead attorney) will review all of the evidence and work with professional investigators as is appropriate. We are prepared to meticulously prepare strong arguments in support of ample compensation for a client with a serious or catastrophic injury such as the following:

Getting the Right Legal Team Starts With Choosing the Right Attorney

Chico Phone: (530) LAW-HELP (530-345-5678)
California Toll Free: (800) TKO-4LAW (800-856-4529)

Available for office appointments at: Redding, CA and Nevada City, CA

For a free initial consultation, call us at either of the two numbers listed above or complete the brief e-mail form provided on the Contact page of this website.

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. this is a basic principle in every case and cause for success. contact us today for a free consultation. 

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