we will do it together

Dog Bite Injuries


Dog Bite Injury Attorneys in Chico, California

Dog Bites and Animal Attacks

Although people may have a right to own dogs, horses and even certain types of exotic animals, pet owners are also strictly liable for what their pets do to other people or pets.

In real terms, this means that if a horse kicks a person or a dog bites and severely injures a small child in a public park, the owner of that pet will — with very few exceptions — be considered legally responsible for any harm suffered as a result.

At the Rooney Law Firm, we help people in Chico and throughout California to recover compensation for injuries resulting from dog bites and other types of animal attacks. Simply put, we bring a high level of dedication to each of our cases and we will exhaust every appropriate option to get you the results you need. To learn more or to schedule a free consultation, call us at (800) TKO-4LAW orcontact us with a brief e-mail message.

These numbers tell some of our story. We tell yours.

  • Each of our lawyers passed California’s rigorous bar exam on their first attempt.
  • We have a 95 percent success rate in contested civil trials.
  • We can often help injured clients get medical care with zero out-of-pocket expense.

Helping You Obtain the Compensation You Need

In a dog bite case or any other personal injury claim, the right results are the direct result or hard work, thorough preparation and a determination to succeed.

Our legal team knows how to dig for facts, review evidence and interview witnesses. We work with professional investigators and highly-regarded experts to strengthen your legal case and to help you obtain the compensation you need.

Throughout the process, we will always make sure that you understand your options, have clear guidance about those choices and have someone working hard to do what is right for you and your family.

Getting the Right Legal Team Starts With Choosing the Right Attorney

Chico Phone: (530) LAW-HELP (530-345-5678)
California Toll Free: (800) TKO-4LAW (800-856-4529)

Available for office appointments at: Redding, CA and Nevada City, CA

We offer free consultations and work on a contingent fee basis. This means that if you choose our firm to represent you in a dog bite claim, you will not be asked to pay any legal fees unless we obtain a verdict or settlement on your behalf.

For a free consultation, call us at either of the two numbers listed above or complete the brief e-mail form provided on the Contact page of this Web site.

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. this is a basic principle in every case and cause for success. contact us today for a free consultation. 

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