we will do it together

DUI Car Accidents


Proven Chico Injury Lawyers for Victims of Alcohol-Related Car Accidents

The grief and anger you may be feeling as a DUI accident victim or the family member of a victim may be overwhelming. At the Rooney Law Firm, we offer genuine empathy as well as the knowledge and determination to help you obtain all compensation available to aid in your recovery and return to stability.

We are committed to thorough investigation of any crash and all contributing factors and circumstances. Our team includes a full-time investigator admitted as a DUI expert in California state courts, and at least two attorneys will review the specifics of your case.You can depend on us to track the progress of a related DUI criminal case and pursue compensation for you from sources such as:

  • All applicable forms of insurance coverage, including your own policies if the drunk driver was uninsured or underinsured
  • A bar, restaurant, club or even private individual responsible for over-serving alcohol, serving an underage drinker or other types of negligence covered by dram shop and social host laws

Pursuing Your Claim Reinforces Key Messages About Drunk Driving

Tragic fatalities and serious injuries caused by drunk driving remain a problem of staggering proportions despite extensive educational efforts and media attention. In June 2011, a resident of Paradise, California, named Christopher Allan Smith won a Northern California Area Emmy Award for an “Every 15 Minutes” video production on this theme. This video, filmed at Castro Valley High School, has been viewed online hundreds of thousands of times.

The National Every 15 Minutes Organization focuses on preventing alcohol-related and other impaired driving accidents primarily through innovative education of teens. Its name references a general statistic that, approximately every 15 minutes, someone in the United States dies in an impaired-driving accident. In recent years the organization has integrated warnings against the dangers of texting while driving into its programs as well.

Choose the Right Attorneys and Legal Team: (800) TKO-4-LAW

If we represent you in a drunk driving accident lawsuit, you can depend on us to bring in all necessary resources to prove liability and the extent of the harm done to you. Our attorneys’ skill and dedication has enabled us to build a 95 percent success rate in contested civil trials.

To put a compassionate, results-driven legal team to work for your future, please contact us for a free consultation. We provide personal injury and wrongful death representation on a contingency basis, so you will take on no added financial risk in this traumatic time.

Getting the Right Legal Team Starts With Choosing the Right Attorney

Chico Phone: (530) LAW-HELP (530-345-5678)
California Toll Free: (800) TKO-4LAW (800-856-4529)

Available for office appointments at: Redding, CA and Nevada City, CA

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. this is a basic principle in every case and cause for success. contact us today for a free consultation. 

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