we will do it together

Grandparents' Rights


Grandparents Rights Lawyers in Chico, California
The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is vital to the growth and development of the child. Unfortunately, grandparents do not retain specific visitation rights after a divorce in California. It is crucial to retain an experienced attorney who can guide you through the process and vigorously fight to protect your relationship.

E-mail us or call us toll-free at (800) TKO-4LAW for a free initial consultation with a trusted family law attorney. (800) 856-4529.

Rooney Law Firm is largely recognized as the first law firm in the county to regularly bring grandparents into a divorce mediation when discussing visitation and parenting time. We realize the importance of this relationship and focus our attention on doing what is in the best interest of the children. In many situations, this requires a careful study of the past relationship of the children and grandchildren. If you have been regularly visiting them each week for the last several years, the court is likely to order that the schedule is maintained for the benefit of the children. Our lawyers can have a more detailed discussion regarding your specific situation through a free consultation at our office.

Grandparent Custody in Chico

In many severe situations, it is possible for grandparents to not only seek visitation rights, but actually gain guardianship of the children. If the children are living in a situation that does not foster growth and development, the court can examine the possibility of granting custody to other family members. We have extensive experience guiding clients through processes such as this. Do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions or concerns.

For a free initial consultation with a dedicated family law attorney, e-mail us or call us toll-free at (800) TKO-4LAW or (800) 856-4529.

Getting the Right Legal Team Starts With Choosing the Right Attorney

Chico Phone: (530) LAW-HELP (530-345-5678)
California Toll Free: (800) TKO-4LAW (800-856-4529)

Available for office appointments at: Redding, CA and Nevada City, CA

Our goal is to help people in the best way possible. this is a basic principle in every case and cause for success. contact us today for a free consultation. 

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